Users can monitor the reserves real-time at
Latest circulating supply of aBTC
For more details on aBTC, please visit aBTC, a.k.a. ALEX BTC.
You can check the latest circulating supply of aBTC or other L2 BRC20 tokens by calling get-total-supply
function of the relevant contract (please note the number is in 8-digit fixed notation, i.e. the last 8 digits represent the decimals).
Alternatively the same is also available at, for example, for aBTC
Latest circulating supply of sUSDT
You can check the latest circulating supply of sUSDT by calling get-total-supply
function of the contract (please note the number is in 8-digit fixed notation, i.e. the last 8 digits represent the decimals).
Alternatively the same is also available at
Last updated